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Friday, August 7, 2009

How to Get Rich in WoW

Getting rich in the World of Warcraft has many connotations. You'll become a status symbol and be able to bankroll just about anything that you'd like to get. Guild would take you in a second when they know that you're the money machine that you are. Overall, it is quite beneficial to be rich in WoW much like it is to be so in real life as well. Here's a quick guide on how to achieve a great fortune in World of Warcraft.

First off, there's always the long route. That is grinding your way to the top by selling things in auction and vendors. Using your professions to make and get items that others cannot is always a great way to earn money. It may take a while to become rich but it can happen.

One of the easier ways to get some money is by hiring out your services either to individuals or a guild. Creating portals, and lock picking chests are essentials on long quests. Sell your service on the trade channel or just use it yourself to get what you want to trade and sell.

Leveraging a guild is probably the best way to getting rich in WoW. If you can provide a service that they don't have already, then you're in prime position to get gold for your efforts. Also, being apart of guild or group and completing instances is a great way to earn loot and items that can be used or sold on at the Auction house.

Becoming wealthy in World of Warcraft is no easy task and will take some time even if you know what you're doing. The best bet is to get help from friends and guild members, as they will provide the quickest and fastest ways of getting rich and power leveling.


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