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Friday, August 7, 2009

WoW Shaman WotLK Guide - Leveling and Raiding Specs

I remember back in the day when I first made my Orc Shaman. This was before the Burning Crusade expansion, and I can remember leveling him as restoration using a 1 handed mace and a shield. I have learned a lot since those days. With Wrath of the Lich King out now, my shaman has seen a lot of nerfs and buffs. Read below for my Shaman WotLK look into the 3 different raiding talent specializations.

*special note: (if you are looking for leveling specs, these raiding specs will work, just add points as you level.)

#1 Needed Shaman WotLK Spec - Restoration 0/16/55

When you first decide that raiding is going to be for you at level 80 as a Shaman the one most needed spec that will pop out is going to be restoration. Most if not all guilds need a good strong resto shaman in wotlk for both 10 man and 25 man raids. You can find the best raiding restoration specializations online, just know that you will want 16 points in enhancement for the 3/3 improved shields and 3/3 elemental weapons. Also remember that intellect is one of the more important stats to go for, yes spell power is nice, but adding intellect will not only raise your spell power if speced correctly but will also raise your spell critical chance and the size of your mana pool.

#2 Needed Shaman WotLK Spec - Elemental 57/14/0

This is just one spec that many elemental raiding shamans choose, but unlike the resto shaman spec this talent build can be tweaked and modified a little to your own liking. One of the major talents you will want to grab from the enhancement tree is the skill called shamanistic focus, this skill will lower the mana cost of all your shocks by 45%. Anything that lowers your mana cost of core abilities as a raider is a must to pick up for any class. You may also want to take ancestral knowledge for the 10% increase to intellect.

Here is your raiding dps rotation;

Flame Shock > Lightning Bolt > Chain Lightning > Lava Burst > Thunderstorm

Water Shield (Only when it wears off)

#3 Needed Shaman WotLK Spec - Enhancement 16/55/0

One of the more favored talent specs back in Burning Crusade has now seem to taken a little fall in the raiding charts because of the way buffs now work in raids and wind fury totem not being as important for melee classes like it used to be. Still enhance shamans are always welcome and if played right can bring a strong dps/buff makeup to any raid. Always remember when raiding as an enhance shaman to have the max amount of hit raiding percentage which at the moment is 17%. Maxing hit will raise your dps far faster and make you more consistent that any other stat. One thing you will quickly notice is that the talent spec of Enhancement is that which can not be modified much. Almost all talents will need to be speced into if a shaman wants to max out his dps potential.

I hope that my little WoW Shaman WotLK guide will be of some use to the newer shamans out there. Do not forget that a lot of what raiding has become is trial and error and learning from your mistakes.


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WOW Shaman Guide said...

Shaman are nice character class a hybrid of warrior type, mage type and priest type character classes. They can do solo with their totems and they can also go with a party where they can heal their party members and even deal damage to the enemies using their direct attack or their summoned totems.WOW Shaman Guide

WOW Shaman Guide