After all, some of the side quests you come across can be awfully tempting. You go and kill some mob as part of a quest, and end up with the talking head of a dead guy who wants to be buried with the rest of his body. How the heck do you say no to a quest like that?
More generally, the question is, "Can/Should I do side quests or stick exclusively with the quests in my leveling guide?" The answer depends on the circumstances. Your circumstances.
Is your overriding goal to get this character to Level 80 as fast as possible? If so, the answer is clearly to skip the side quests and stick with the guide. The same applies if you've already done the side quest (unless of course you just love doing that quest, in which case you know what to do) before.
Are you still anxious to level this character, but not desperate to get there as fast as possible? Then it might be worth getting off the prescribed path and doing something different. Likewise if you've already run through this part of the leveling guide with other characters. Remember that this is a game and getting bored doing the same thing over and over defeats the purpose.
The point is that slavishly following a WoW Leveling Guide will get your character to the level you want as fast as possible, but it isn't a requirement. Deviating from your guide's prescribed path will slow down your leveling, but you'll be trying something fun and different, and still leveling far faster than you would if you didn't have a guide at all. You don't have to follow exactly in the guide author's footsteps to level fast.
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