In this WoW paladin guide we will look at the Paladin. The WoW Paladin is a special kind of figure which can be found in almost any fantasy setting, usually representing a combination of brute strength and the power of the light or general holy abilities.
Depending on how a player chooses to distribute his or her talent point, a paladin can become a powerful DPS fighter, a good tank and a decent healer. And with this great flexibility as well as the use of their seals, blessings and auras and some good training from a WoW paladin guide, you will definitely make them represent an important part of any party or raiding group, whether it's PvE or PvP.
Their talent trees are:
• Retribution - The paladins who invest their talent points into this tree will become fighting paladins
• Holy - These paladins are the healer variant of the paladin, doing decent tank healing but suffering because of the lack of AOE healing or mass healing abilities, reason why they aren't extremely popular
• Protection - The prot paladin is the tank variant of the paladin. This is a class that does a great job taking its place amongst warriors and druids for the main tank position in raids and instances
While paladins can occupy a great many roles thanks to their talent tree, all of their specific abilities have to be augmented by the use of proper gear. Meaning that if you're a healer you'll need +spellpower gear, if you're a retribution pally then you'll need attack power and crit and if you're a tank then you'll need defense.
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