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Friday, July 24, 2009

WoW - Power Level the Way Underpaid Chinese Power Levelers Do

We all know those companies and site that advertise power leveling. Half of them simply uses a bot on your character to make it level. You account will be at risk of being banned. The other half of this websites simply hire some Chinese or other people that are willing to work hard for a few dollars an hour.

However, there are risk involved when hiring these guys. As with everything in life: 'if you want to have something good, you must do it yourself.' The best way to level as fast as possible is to do quest a t lower levels. Take all of them in the same area, fulfill the requirements and come back to collect the reward. This way you will waste less time by traveling.

At the higher levels you are going to grind until your fingers fall off. Be sure to set the offensive macro's, area of effect macro's and target switching macro's. Make macro's of skills you often in sequence and make macros for support skills. Macro's will save you a lot of time and will save you from a sore hand.

Stack as much food and bondage as possible. If you are grinding, you don't want to go back because you run out of them. This is the number one way to waste your time in World of Warcraft. Don't go back every half level to check the auction house either. This is a waste of time and gold. You should only check the auction house if you need to go that way.


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