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Friday, July 31, 2009

WoW Mining Leveling Guide - How to Level Mining 1-450 Like a Pro

In WoW, Mining is a lucrative profession because it is used for 3 crafting professions. The drawback is that to make some decent gold off the profession you need to reach a high level. I am going to give you a quick Mining Leveling Guide and give you some of the fundamentals to level mining quickly.

Here are the Basics of my mining leveling guide:

You can Level Mining with a couple of different ways. The traditional way is leveling the profession by smelting and also by going out and finding nodes. Today I am going to elaborate on how to find nodes for leveling the traditional way. Let's talk about finding nodes. Now, finding nodes can be rather time consuming to run around looking them. But the positive thing is it has no major upfront costs.

To start off, you must first learn the profession and you must purchase a mining pick axe. You can't mine without one. Once you have done this you are ready to venture out into the game of WoW and begin leveling your new profession. Now you must pick a zone which, sometimes, can be a little difficult. However, the same general rule of finding veins of ore hold true for all zones: you can usually find it around the mountain lines or at the edges of the zone. You also have to make sure you have track minerals on so you can find ore more easily along with looking near the ridges. Below is a list of the level, the Ore that will level you, and the zones that are best for this range.

Here is the WoW Mining Leveling Guide you have been looking for:

- Level 1-60; Ore: Copper Ore; Zones: Azuremyst Isle, Mulgore, Dun Morogh, Durotar, Teldrassil and Elwinn Forest.
- Level 66-125; Ore: Copper, Silver and Tin Ore; Zones: Thousand Needles, Redridge Mountain
- Level 126-175; Ore: Iron, Gold and Tin Ore; Zones: Thousand Needles, Arathi Highland
- Level 176-245; Ore: Mithril and Truesilver Ore; Zones: Tanaris,The Hinterlands
- Level 246-300; Ore: Mithril Ore and Rich Thorium Small Thorium; Zones: Silithus, Tanaris, Winterspring
- Level 301-325; Ore: Fel Iron Ore; Zones: Hellfire Peninsula
- Level 326-350; Ore: Fel Iron Ore, Khorium Ore, Adamantite Ore, Rich Adamantite; Zones: Nagrand
- Level 351-400; Ore: Rich Cobalt, Cobalt Ore; Zones: Borean Tundra
- Level 401-450; Ore: Rich Saronite ,Saronite Ore; Zones: Scholarzar Basin

Smelting is usually pretty costly, although the bars usually sell for around the price of ore.


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