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Friday, July 31, 2009

WoW Guide Reviews - Top Four World of Warcraft Guides

World of Warcraft guides are a must if you want to be a top player. If you want to dominate over others, have tons of gold, and all the elite weapons, armor, and items, then you need to get yourself a good guide. These days, online gaming guides are more than just e-books---they are full, interactive packages filled with how-to videos, in game walkthroughs and add-ons, and so forth. The in game features are great because you won't have to toggle back and forth between your World of Warcraft window and browser windows.

With all that having been said, here are the top four World of Warcraft guides on the internet.

- Zygor's WoW Guide, for both Alliance and Horde, can help you get to level 80 in just one week. Part of what makes this guide so great is its inclusion of an in game navigation system. Every single step of any quest is tracked with an arrow. You can even customize the tracking system to skip steps if you need to. Despite everything being customizable, the configuration is still easy to figure out. This guide is extremely accurate and everything about it is easy to figure out. For its thoroughness and simpleness, Zygors World of Warcraft Guide definitely deserves a mention in the top four!

- Next, is Dugi's Ultimate Guide. Also for the Horde and Alliance both, this user friendly, in-game, interactive package offers leveling secrets and specs for all races and classes. There are countless reasons why nearly 15,000 WoW players have downloaded this package. Why should you let them get all the secrets when you can yourself also? In game PVP tutorials, UI configuration hints, keybinding, Macro made simple, secrets for earning hundreds of gold per hour---Dugi's Ultimate World of Warcraft truly lives up to its name!

- Nyhm's Warcraft package provides the very best strategies for power leveling, gold making, PVP, profession leveling, questing, and more. It's updated often, and will provide you with all the secrets you need for getting through all expansions, including Wrath of the Lich King. Whether you want to dominate as a Death Knight or take your main Alliance or Horde character(s) to the top, then Nyhms Guide will help you. You can make 10,000 gold in just one week without any cheats, bots, or hacks or anything else that goes against the rules. This detailed WoW system is 100% legit!

- If you're playing a Horde character, or plan on making a Horde character, then Joana's Ultimate Horde Guide is for you. This is perhaps the most popular leveling guide for the Horde. Created by one of the most top rated gamers in the world, this comprehensive package will lead you to the top of the online gaming world as well. Whether you want to be an elite Blood Elf, Orc, Troll, Tauren, Undead, or Death Knight, then this Joanas Horde Guide will take you to level 80 in no time at all. You can dominate over other Horde and Alliance players both. This system includes walkthroughs, how-to videos, shortcuts, secrets, and everything you'll ever need to be a top Horde player!

Sure, there are plenty of other World of Warcraft Guides out there, but these four are without a doubt the best. It's essential that you get a good guide so that you can cut out all the unnecessary time. You won't have to worry about getting lost anymore. You'll make it to a high level, defeat others in PVP, and earn tons of gold every single day!


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