What Keeps Mario at the Front of the Pack?
Mario has been one of the most popular names in gaming since the day he made his debut back in the days of Donkey Kong! From those days he became the heroic plumber that overcame all of the odds and went through some of the most perilous journeys to rescue kingdoms, princesses and people. All while doing this at great personal risk to him. You were always on the end of your seat, but all through the journey you had a blast playing the game. You did not even have to be the most adept and professional gamer when dealing with these games, you had to know how to use the directional arrows in a controller, usually featured on the left side, and you had to know how to press a few buttons, that is it!
What Keeps Fans Coming Back For More?
The simplistic approach to the older games was the magnet that attracted the love and admiration fans have for Mario that exists even to this day. This is the foundation that allows the fan sites around the world to operate with a purpose. Without a passionate fan based fire that fuels itself when the big studios stop, or take awhile in between titles, well people would get bored.
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