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Tuesday, August 4, 2009

Why Do Schools Block Certain Websites?

It would be a stunning piece of information to add to your knowledge bank that there are a huge number of schools who have initiated in this matter. A recent survey has revealed that the academic institutes have almost made it a mandate for the students who are studying in the sacred premises of the institute that they are not o operate any website that feature or present free online games. According to the disciplinarians it is a right move. There is a popular school of thought supporting the move. Those who are directly linked with the noble profession of teaching might indulge in the thought procedure that in time of the running academic sessions if students are allowed to enjoy the facilities of the websites catering free and unlimited gaming through it then it is quite natural that their mind would be preoccupied with such things . Students would not be able to concentrate on the work related to the academic life. It would have a grave negative effect on their study.

According to some it is almost like an obnoxious and loathsome issue that should be kept out of the reach of an institute for the betterment of the institute. Just like 'sex education' it is not so much significant to have an existence in the premises of a school. The existence of such free websites helps in the fast degeneration and demoralization of young, immature minds. It is like a poison ivy that needs to be ousted.

The countless numbers of young enthusiastic students who relish these web based games share the unanimous thoughts that it is a stupid act taken by the school authorities. It is not only stupid but malicious also. According to them the game oriented sites are harmless and fun provoking like Youtube or MySpace. They should be entitled to have their eyes on these sights. Depriving them from the act is like depriving them from a birth right. The situation seems to be a predicament and it needs a compassionate look that would be good for the academic ambience as well as not be hurtful towards the soft feelings of the young minds.


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