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Saturday, August 29, 2009

Total War Expansion Pack Announced - Medieval II

The latest expansion pack for Medieval II Total War is a review which originate from the optimistic review given by Gamespot.com

Medieval II Total War was released by Sega about four months ago which is the latest game in the Medieval series. The game's objective is to gain power over Europe during the period of middle ages with the use of huge battles employing individually control soldiers.

There are lots of positive reviews earned to count the assessment from Gamespot where the original article resides. Total War gained sales similar to the smash hits The Sims 2 and World of Warcraft.

Last April 3 of Tuesday, Sega declared its first expansion pack , the Medieval II Total War Kingdoms which will add on the original game including four new single player campaigns:

-The Americas, which features players such as Hernan Cortes, the Spanish conquistador, the Aztec, or the other Mexican indigenous people who resisted Cortes' conquest.

-The Teutonic Wars, featuring the violent clash between the Christians and pagan tribes in Northern Europe.

-Britannia, featuring the wars between five groups to gain control of the British Isles.

-An expanded Crusades Campaign, featuring new enemies participate in the infamous series of Christian vs. Saracen wars.

In addition to the single player campaigns, also features 20 new custom battle maps and six new multiplayer campaigns. In addition to the already large world of Medieval II Total War, players can also enjoy more features such as the 13 new political factions and more than 150 units. The expansion pack is expected to be available in the market in Europe and the US this fall.


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