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Friday, August 21, 2009

The Fastest Xbox 360 3 Red Rings Fix That's Available

Are you fighting with your Xbox 360 because it has the 3 red rings error? If you want to fix the problem, you'll have to choose out of 3 options that I'm about to give you.

If you want your console fixed, you have 3 options: You either send your console over to Microsoft and let them do the job, send it to a repair shop, or you could actually fix the Xbox 360 with your own bare hands. It's hard to choose... right? Let's dig a little bit deeper into the options!

Fix my Xbox 360 3 red rings by sending it over to Microsoft?

This option can be good, but it's really expensive and time consuming. When you do this, you'll have to pay $150 if your warranty has been expired. Also, another downside that this option has is the waiting times. You'll have to wait at least 2 weeks before it will be fixed, but some people had to wait for more then a month.

Fix my Xbox 360 3 red rings by sending it over to a Repair Shop?

This is an option that's basically the same as sending your console over to Microsoft. Although, this option is slightly better because it's a little bit cheaper and quicker.

When you do this, you'll have to pay $75 in most cases. Also, you'll have to wait at least 1 week, and it could go up easily to 2 weeks... So be prepared!

Fix my Xbox 360 3 red rings by.... Me?

That's right! You could fix your Xbox 360 3 red rings error quite easily by yourself. It's highly recommended to use a repair guide on this because it will take all the guess work out.

This option is the most cheapest and fastest option that's around, so you might consider doing this. I've heard stories from people who have fixed their console within a day! It's definitely do-able.
The best option is...?

The best option you've got is to fix your Xbox 360 3 red rings by yourself. As I've said before, it's highly recommended to use an Xbox 360 Repair Guide

There's no need to pay $150 for expensive repairs and there's also no need to waits for weeks or months because of very time consuming repairs. Simply fix your console by yourself with the use of a repair guide!


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