Since you will be racing against time and your opponents having a few cheats up your sleeve should be very handy. It will give you the added bonus of extra resources at a faster or easier rate than if you had gone ahead and tried to obtain them during game play.
Cheat #1 : Money Cheat
Normal game play already awards you standard monetary bonuses for every round that you win as a team. You also get paid money bonuses when you lose a round, kill an enemy, be first to instruct hostages to follow you, rescue hostages or plant the bomb. During the game you can get money valued at sixteen thousand.
All you have to do is type 'impulse 101' in the console and then press enter. Your money will automatically be added to your account. If you do not know how to open the console it is simple, just press "~" to open it.
Cheat #2 : Faster Forward Motion
You can actually fast forward your motion to help you move faster within the game. In order to achieve this, first open the console. Then simply enter the code "cl_forwardspeed 999". That should do the trick for you.
Cheat #3 : Gravity Change
You can also change your gravity settings as you play the game. Ok you will need to first open the console and then type in "sv_gravity" and a number between 0 and 8000 to be exact. For example if you set your gravity at zero that will give you the highest jumps ever, but if you where to set it to 8000 then you cannot jump at all.
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