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Monday, July 6, 2009

4 Tips For Faster Rogue Leveling in World of Warcraft

Roques are among the funniest classes to play in World Of Warcraft. In addition, they are also the best at PvP-Combat. The only problem is, that roques are extremely hard to level, especially when you are a high level character. To make your Roque life a bit easier, I have outlined a few tips for you to ensure leveling efficiency.

1). Isolate Monsters

Rogues have good melee skills, why shouldn't they attack mobs of monsters instead? They have relative low attack. It just takes too much time to slaughter the mob all in once. You will be taking hit after hit and soon be lying death in the sands. It's far better to isolate monsters or attack small mobs only.

2). Gear is essential

For other classes, gear is not that important. Good gear is vital for roques. In the lower levels you should focus on getting gear that increases attack and critical hits only. When you become better, focus on gear that increases haste and agility.

3). Bigger Bags

If you get bigger bags early on in the game, you will be making much more gold. Gold translates itself into better gear. Having bigger bags, means returning less often to town to replenish. It might be an initial investment, but is surely pays off in the end.

4.) Know where you train

Training on good spots is essential. The best spots are always overcrowded. In some area's the monsters are just too strong or too weak. To find an good spot to grind, you will need to take your level and stats into account.


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