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Sunday, July 19, 2009

2 Great Ways to Lose WoW Gold Jewelcrafting

Jewelcrafting is one of the best ways to earn Warcraft gold. Losing money with this profession is hard, but it can be done if you apply yourself. Here are 2 great ways to lose money Jewelcrafting.

Paying Too Much for Ore. The Prospecting skill is all about extracting valuable gems from less valuable ore. If you get your ore inexpensively (or mine it yourself) it's hard to mess this one up. But if you're buying your ore from the Auction House or other players, it is possible to pay so much for the ore that the gems you do prospect make you less than the ores cost you.

To avoid this problem, you need to be aware of how much a particular ore costs, how many and what kinds of gems you're likely to find in a large batch of ore, and how much the gems you get are likely to sell for.

Spending Too Much for Recipes. While a Jewelcrafter's Gem Cutting skill very lucrative, not every recipe is worth buying. Recipes let you create valuable gems, but in some cases the recipes themselves are so expensive relative to the value of the gems they produce, that you're unlikely ever to turn a profit. For example, if it costs you 250 WoW gold to buy a particular recipe, and you can earn 2 gold for each gem of that type that you produce, you will have to sell 125 gems of that type just to cover the cost of the recipe!

This is a somewhat subtle, yet deadly way to go broke in a profession where you should be rolling in Warcraft gold. To avoid this problem, you'll need to have a good idea of the value of the gems a recipe produces. Then you'll need to ensure that the asking price is reasonable. Of course, if you get a recipe as a drop, or as a gift from a friend, it won't matter what the going rate for the recipe is, since your cost is zero.


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