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Monday, May 11, 2009

Best WotLK Hunter Pets - Pet Guide For Hunters in World of Warcraft

Hunter pets can be separated into three categories:

• Tank pets - these are the sort of pets that will take huge amounts of damage without wincing while you are a couple of yards behind them pouring on the ranged damage. Tank pets are ideal for leveling up a hunter because they will withstand long battles.

- Bears, boars, crabs, crocolisks, gorillas, scorpids, tallstriders, turtles, these tend to do a good job as tank pets

• DPS pets - these are pets that will deal considerably more damage than their tank counterparts while not being able to absorb nearly as much damage. These are pets that you take with you in a PvP setting, because in a Battleground people will almost always attack you and not your pet, so a tank would be useless while what is important in a BG is the most damage that you can do the fastest, the better

- Bats, cats, owls, raptors, spiders, windserpents will be good DPS pets

• Not-quite-tank-not-quite-DPS pets - these are pets that are rather resilient, much more so than a DPS pet and less than a tank, and who pack a decent amount of damage but less damage than DPS but more than a tank can, they're middle of the road pets, they'll do well in both areas but not enough to excel in either one of them.

- Carrion birds, hyenas, wolves, are good middle of the road pets

For your first pets you should get a bear or a boar, because at level 10 frankly that's all you can afford without breaking your meager bank.
If you don't want to waste your valuable play time and money, be it real or in-game money, trying out guides and builds that may not work then you should...


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